

FlintStone Kids is the outcome of me being a mom to a super energetic, 6 years old boy. The light bulb leading to the website you are navigating now, lit one day when searching for a wrestling class for my boy as he loves to wrestle everyday with his grandma since he was a toddler. So after a deep search, I couldn’t find any wrestling classes for kids in Lebanon. At the same time, I was searching for other activities to help my son enjoy all the energy he has. hence for the past summer,I didn’t enroll him in a summer camp, rather, I registered him in as much activities (that he likes of course) as his energy can take. So, he took swimming, piano, yoga, theater, parkour, and football classes. And of course searching for the best place wasn’t as easy as I thought. I had to search Google, which gave me few results. then searched Facebook, also got few more results. then asked other moms, and got even few more results. And then tried some of the places that we searched until we found the best options for him and me (of course the driving !)

So the bulb lit after getting upset with not finding results easily for the activities, my son is interested in. then it hit me that others moms are definitely going thru the same hassle for their kids as I am. So I decided to accumulate all the search information in one place. with this enthusiasm, I started looking for other activities than those my son does, and one thing lead to another.and a clearer vision started to consolidate in my head leading to the FlintStone Kids.

After this enlightening introductory, allow me to give you a quick glimpse at this website. FlintStone Kids around Lebanon is mainly a directory to help moms and parents all over Lebanon to find the best activity and place that suits their kids and them, so our kids can grow healthy full of energy and enthusiasm and accomplishments rather than just staying tuned to the many screens around them.

In this directory, moms and parents can find the activity they are looking for, and details about the institute or school providing it.

For now, you will find 9 main pages in this directory (more pages to come later on). each page listing as much as possible of the activities available in Lebanon. In addition to the activities pages, there is a Blog page where I’ll be writing my son’s and my experience about a certain activity or an institute providing it. Then there will be the Forum page, where moms and parents can become members and write their own experiences with their kids also, so other moms and parents can have as much information as possible at their fingertips.

With all of this, I hope to reach my aim which is to help kids around Lebanon to enjoy their time growing healthy and using their energy happily. And to help moms and parents provide the best for their kids without going going through the hassle of crazy searches all over he place.



As many might remember the old cartoon FlintStones. I believe, our kids deserves to go back a bit to the stone ages (figuratively) and get away for some time from all the screens around them and play and learn things to help them grow physically and mentally healthy.