Fun splashes or the future Michael Phelps!


This week our discussion will be about Youssef’s love for water hence his love for swimming. Since he was a baby, Youssef loved taking baths, playing with water at the sink or tub, and his greatest excitement was going to the pool or the beach. He loves being dipped in water at any time or place. So the best action to take was to take him to swimming lessons. His first lesson was when we were still in Dubai, when he was 1year and 2 months. It was amazing how he managed as a baby to cope with holding his breath under water. After that we kept swimming at every possible chance in the sea or the pool on our building’s rooftop. Then we moved to Lebanon and we stopped most of the water recreational activities due the polluted sea water and the crowded pools. But since Youssef has always enjoyed swimming ever since he was a baby, we decided to enroll him again in lessons to help him regain his skills.

And after an elongated research and asking around, he started his group lessons with ProSwim LB. He was so excited to go back to water as if he was a fish out of the sea for a long time. Since the trial session, we loved the place, the coaches and the admin team;) His coach Hamza is amazing with the kids and at the same a very good instructor. Youssef enjoyed the lessons and still does to an extend that he wants to go every single day. At the same time he had felt the results even after few lessons. And currently he is perfecting the proper techniques of athletic swimming with a playful twist. What I, as a parent, have admired about ProSwim is that they are very focused on developing a tangible progress with our kids. For example, they do not order kids from outside the pool to complete a certain task, instead they are in the pool directing every child in a specific manner to help them perform the proper strokes and techniques. Moreover, the lovely trainers come up with creative solutions to help your kids in their first sessions. For example, Youssef had a problem floating on his belly while swimming and keeping his head above water level. His coach came up with a solution (which was tying a floating element around his belly) to help him float the first few times before he manages to get his body to achieve that by itself. That for me was amazing, it encouraged Youssef, saved him from feeling incapable, and illustrated that every problem has a solution (which is a lesson that we try hard to teach our kids). This lovely place has given us all of that in addition to the playful splashes among the kids!

With all of the above said, I believe we will be continuing the lessons for a long time.. who knows.. maybe reach the Olympics !;)

Youssef  & Ghada

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