Hello Everyone,


As a mom to my 6 years old son, Youssef, I have realized after moving from Dubai to Beirut a shift in the services available to children at a young age… As happy residents of Lebanon we both would like to share our local experiences in the activities we attend. Our main goal is to provide parents and kids with an authentic, yet personal, feedback on the activities that we engage in. Therefore, we will be talking about the positive and negative aspects of each experience. Since Youssef is a very curious and energetic boy, he tends to enjoy experimenting and discovering a variety of new things and activities all the time. As a mom, a lot of effort is needed from my side, but it makes me happy seeing him broadening his interests and knowledge. All the healthy activities he chooses to engage in, help him spend his energy growing healthy and happy rather than spending it stuck on screens and indoors. Youssef loves football and he is a natural at it. He had played football since he was 3 years old back in Dubai and continued here at Advanced Soccer Academy for around a year. He went to gymnastics classes too when we arrived to Lebanon in summer 2016 at Gymbo and stayed there for a couple months. Later on, he joined a parkour class, which he loved, due to the fact that he will learn to jump on buildings ;). At the same time he joined swimming lessons, piano, yoga, and theater classes. The aim of the last three was to help him relax and calm down from all the action. Having said all of that, we do screen time definitely like any other kid in this technological era, but we try to concentrate more on other activities more.

Since I have started this website while trying to find the right activities for my son and myself, I have found that what matters the most is quality, creativity, and of course, safety. Searching for kids activities was harder than I thought because you can’t find everything on Google. Some there, others on Facebook, and the rest from other parents. So I decided to gather the information in one place to help parents find what they need at their fingertips. While I hope that all the listings on the FlintStone Kids Around Lebanon website meet these criteria, I will be offering an authentic review of each of our experiences in hope to guide you to what you and your children deserve. I’m happy to start sharing our experiences, my son Youssef and I, in the activities that interest him.

FlintStone Kids Around Lebanon is not only a directory listing all the activities, but it is also a platform to share all our expertise as parents out there with different backgrounds, environments, and ways of raising our kids. But I believe our common goal is to help our kids grow healthy, happy, and safe. Hence, I urge all of you, our valuable members, to share your experiences with all of us on the Forum page, so we can discover and learn more for the benefit of our kids.

Welcome and we hope you enjoy!!

Youssef and Ghada

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